Sometimes tragedy is just too painful, too large to absorb. The disastrous California wildfires that wiped out whole neighborhoods a few weeks ago got me to thinking about the increasing dangers we …
“This dance is for you. This dance is for us. This dance is for everyone.” When we dance, we celebrate. When we dance, we share memories. When we dance, we feel loved. …
Senate Bill 5400, sponsored by Sens. Marko Liias and Matt Boehnke, was introduced this week. This legislation creates a business and occupations tax surcharge on the large international …
I was surprised the other day when an online search found a confection I figured had long disappeared. Did you ever have a piece of candy from a box of assorted chocolates called a "Whitman's …
I'm an inquisitive old coot. Back in the day, I used the World Book and Britannica encyclopedias as sources to answer my questions when writing school papers. If you're old, too, I'm sure you …
As we begin a new year, it is worth remembering that the United States Army celebrates 250 years of distinguished service protecting our nation from domestic and foreign adversaries. The …
If you're anything like me, you're probably not much of a fan of what seems to be an endless flood of surveys we're being asked to complete these days. Everything from how you liked your doctor to …
Around 7:30 a.m., as I was waiting on I-5 about a quarter mile south of Lynnwood, I was envious as I watched those many light rail riders flash by. After that experience, I spoke with a close …
A new year can bring resolutions. It also brings a great opportunity to revisit a health checklist. Now is the perfect time to start scheduling appointments and reestablishing a routine. Below is a …
Dear Savvy Senior, I’ve heard that excessive earwax can cause serious health problems in elderly seniors. What can you tell me about this? – Caregiving daughter Dear …
I like to think of myself as a relatively high functioning blind dude (except for that blind part). Maybe I'm just kidding myself. However, I still need to have the inner strength or …
As they say in Europe, nothing like a good takeaway, or takeout meal, in American English. The busy days of a new year have meant that I have needed someone else to do the cooking more than once or …
Enjoying new column in the Beacon I enjoyed reading the second Diane’s Corner column by Diane Buckshnis in the Edmonds Beacon. I look forward to more of Diane's thoughts, knowledge, …
Syndicated cartoon from Joseph Heller.
Did you know that the popular gymnastics programs at the Frances Anderson Center have been discontinued? If you’re a parent with a child looking forward to tumbles and meeting new friends, you …
The following is the City of Edmonds’ response to this issue’s Editor’s Note. Cuts to recreation programs: Parks communicated the cuts that were made to programs in 2024 and …
If you adopted a rescue dog this holiday season, congratulations and thank you for helping ease the current shelter crisis! Adopting a rescue or shelter dog can be incredibly rewarding, but it …