Thursday, October 10, 2024
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Only in Edmonds

Our friend in heaven | Only in Edmonds

Editor’s note: Although columnist Ken Marques decided to stop writing his column after a move to the East Coast, he submitted one final one to remember a friend. From early life, this soul saw …

Leaving the Village of Goodness | Only in Edmonds

It had to happen sooner or later. This octogenarian couple having lived the greater part of their lives in the beautiful Edmonds community have arrived at the third act of life, where we need to …

It's just right in Edmonds | Only in Edmonds

Not too much and not too little, but just right! That’s the norm in our Edmonds. Courteous service, sincere greetings, safe environment, and clean and cheerful shops and restaurants are just an …

Nostalgia: Fill in the (blank) | Only in Edmonds

Just for fun, I attempt to remember some of the popular jingles and radio shows of yesteryear. There are days when I wander back in time to pleasant memories. These moments bring a little needed …

Weather report for the soul | Only in Edmonds

In search of the ideal weather to suit one’s desire for wellness and an improved attitude is the mantra for the favored snowbird, of which I was one at one phase of my life adventure. Physical …

A visit with a pharmacy clerk | Only in Edmonds

There is no man-made medicine on the shelves of your local pharmacy to rid the maladies of worry, fear, criticism, and complaining. Many have attempted with potions that dull the senses, to no …

Simplicity and the search for truth | Only in Edmonds

The popular acronym for emphasizing the relevance of simplicity compared to complication is “KISS … Keep it simple, stupid!” Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in as …

The inspiration for this short essay comes from a book I read some time ago. The central point of the author’s message was how moral virtues affect the world condition. It was suggested that the …

Jingles for a good life | Only in Edmonds

“Good to the last drop … Maxwell House Coffee.” “Trust your car to the man who wears the star.” “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz … Oh, what a relief it is … Alka …

Because of errant golf balls | Only in Edmonds

It was time to retrieve the Christmas tree tucked away in the garage storage unit of our Edmonds condo. As usual, I had to move several items to get to the tree. One of the items was a second set of …

Pick up those erasers | Only in Edmonds

The pink nib at the other end of a sharpened pencil scrubs away an error. Thank you for erasers! Oh, how good it would be if we had an eraser to scrub some of our spoken words. We do have an …

Germany to Edmonds: An artist's journey | Only in Edmonds

I’ve walked past the Frame Design & Atelier on Fifth Avenue South hundreds of times on my walks to downtown Edmonds and decided to stop in to get some assistance with a mirror project that had …

Professional good person | Only in Edmonds

When using the word “professional,” the usual comes to mind … pro athlete, doctor, entertainer or most anyone with a special talent utilized to generate income. As I experience life in the …

Another bright sunny fall day in the Village of Goodness reached out to me, saying, “There’s a park bench at Marina Beach calling my name.” I obeyed, and drove to Anthony’s, walking the …

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